Ther are three methos in calculating the foundation stiffness matrix by puting force on the element whether it is concentrated force or distributed force . in this article the near - distributedand far - concentrated is adopted . some documents show that the proposed method in calculating stiffness matrix is satisfied in solving the displacements and internal forces of plate by elastic theory . the bem as a valuable method has great advantage over precision and discret ; the foundation layered elastic modle has specific physic mean and easy calculatness 在计算地基刚度矩阵时,按施加在单元上的单位荷载是集中力还是均布力有三种计算方法:均布、近均布-远集中和集中。本文采用近均布-远集中方法计算。有关资料表明采用这种地基模型计算地基刚度矩阵,所获板内力和位移结果能很好的符合弹性解答的基本规律。